miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Fire on the mountain

Mientras la prensa "informa" de guerras: Palestino-Isralí, Irak, Afganistán... en definitiva, guerras mediáticas; el resto del mundo, como el continente africano sobrevive a la esclavitud, el hambre, la explotación y maltrato de mujeres y niños, además de otras lacras denigrantes. Pero España, Europa, América, miran para otro lado.
Quizá miran demasaido y el primer mundo sea el principal interesado en esta situación. Mientras, se lanzan bombas de humo para que los ciudadanos seamos lo que miren a otro lado.
Me he acordado por esto de la canción de Asa, cantente nigeriana, Fire on the mountain. El vídeo musical es precioso, y merece la pena verlo.

There is fire on the mountain, and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top, and no one is'ah running.

I wake up in the morning... tell you what I see on my TV screen : I see the blood of an innocent child, and everybody's watching.

Now, I'm looking out of my window, and what do I see ? I see an army of soldiers that're marching across the street, heh...

What did they say to make you so blind, to your conscience and reason ? Could it be love for your country, or for the gun you use in killing? So...

There is fire on the mountain, and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top, and no one is'ah running.

Heh, Mister Loverman! Can I get a chance to talk to you ? 'cause you are fooling with a dead man's corpse, and you don't know what you do. Oh...

So little Lucy turns sixteen, and like the movie she's been seeing, she has a lover in her daddy. She can't tell nobody... 'till she makes the evening news.

For there is fire on the mountain, and nobody seems to be on the run. Oh there is fire on the mountain top, and no one is'ah running. Oh yes.

One day the river will overflow, and there'll be nowhere for us to go ; and we will run, run... wishing we had put out the fire, oh no...

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